Singing Guide: Barry Sadler

Singing Guide: Barry Sadler

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Barry Sadler is best known for his hit song "The Ballad of the Green Berets," which became a cultural touchstone at a time when the Vietnam War was raging. He was not a trained vocalist, but his strong voice and emotional delivery made him a unique figure in the era's musical landscape. If you want to learn to sing like him, there are several key elements to consider.

One of the primary pillars of Sadler's singing style was his ability to convey a sense of patriotism through his voice. He was a proud soldier who wore his love for his country on his sleeve, and his music reflected that. To capture this quality in your own singing, it's essential to connect to the lyrics emotionally. Take the time to really internalize the meaning behind the words, and find ways to infuse your voice with a sense of conviction and purpose.

Another hallmark of Sadler's style was the way he used vibrato to impart a sense of drama and gravitas to his singing. Vibrato is the oscillation of pitch around a central tone, and it can be an incredibly powerful tool for adding depth and complexity to a vocal performance. Check out this instructional video on singing with vibrato from Singing Carrots for tips on how to incorporate this technique into your own singing.

Sadler's singing also relied heavily on a strong and steady sense of breath support. The ability to control your breathing can make a huge difference in your ability to project your voice and sustain notes for longer periods of time. Singing Carrots offers several resources to help you develop your breath support, including this article on breath support and respiration and this video on sustaining your voice.

Finally, it's worth noting that Sadler's music was often quite simple and straightforward, relying more on his powerful delivery and emotional intensity than on complex musical arrangements or vocal flourishes. One of the keys to singing like him is to focus on the fundamentals of good technique and vocal control, and to find ways to inject your own personality and passion into your performances.

Singing Carrots offers several resources for singers looking to improve their abilities, including a vocal range test to help you determine your own vocal range, the Pitch Training educational singing game, and the Educational Singing Course, a 21-lesson program covering singing theory and practical tips.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.